I have experience working with MSL's digital team on influencer campaigns, as well as using our agency platform Fluency to find influencers and manage campaigns. As part of my work with ComEd, I helped create an influencer program to promote STEM Education among Chicago Public School Students. This influencer program was the first of its kind for the energy company, brought on by a need to help educate students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Through thorough research, I compiled a selection of 130 influencers ranging from STEM experts to inspiring young talents. In the end, we contracted 7 influencers to participate in ComEd's STEM Home Labs. I found and recruited chemistry expert and social media star Kate Biberdorf (Kate the Chemist) to lead the series. In addition to the STEM Home Lab series, we created additional STEM Leadership summits aimed at female students, Latinx students and Black students in the hopes of getting these underrepresented demographics excited about STEM. For these programs I recruited 6 additional influencers: Ellen Ochoa, Jay Flores, Stephanie Espy, Estefannie, Malika Grayson and Justin “Mr. Fascinate” Shaifer.
In addition to finding and contacting these influencers, I assisted in contracting them and creating social media copy for them to post to promote the event. We received over 130 media hits for this project.